Chimelong Theme Park, Guangzhou Panyu District (BLOG SERIES 2014) *Shoestringer Reward at the end of post*

Monday 29 September 2014

This was the highlight of our trip. We arrived at the theme park at the park opening, 9.30am. There was already a considerable amount of people there. However, it was a good problem because some rides require the seats to be 3/4 filled before they are able to start the ride.
Chimelong Circus
We entered through the entrance near the Chimelong International Circus

Welcome to Chimelong Paradise!
Excited for the rides!!

Roller Coasters

1) 10 Inversions Coaster

I Conquered the 10 inversions!!
The 10 inversion coaster is the second roller coaster in the world with 10 inversions.

3/5 Worth a thrill. It starts out slowly then it becomes very fast, reaching a climax of 3 inversions back to back. We only went once because the roller coaster was giving us a headache with all the spinning and head banging with the side of the seats.

2) Dive Coaster

The king of roller coasters?
Far view of the Roller Coaster
The most exciting ride of the park is the dive coaster, it culminates to an dead still, then to a 90 degree drop at 120km per hour. We rode the coaster in both the front seat and the backseat, and we definitely preferred the front seat, it was like doing a bungee jump.

5/5 HEART-ATTACK! The first time we took it, it was really unexpected, where the roller coaster suddenly stops before the drop, giving us a slight relief, but sooner to find that it soon speeds up to 120 km per hour. We knew we were goners the moment the roller coaster ascended the climb to the top. It was an intense workout of screaming for us.

3) Motorbike Coaster

Other than that, the park also has the motorbike coaster which they claim is the “fastest acceleration coaster in Asia”. The seats were shaped like a motorbike and unlike normal roller coasters, you lean forward during the ride.

Seating like riding a motorbike
Reminds me of Tron
2/5 Mediocre. The ride was one of the last few to go because we wanted to "save the best for the last". But sitting on the ride seems more of a relax spin on a motorbike, there weren't many dramatic drops and sitting on this ride as one of the last few was a great choice. We had quite a long wait too because they needed the seats to be filled up almost fully before the ride can commence.

Haunted House

Temple Forest

Tomb Raiders
There is only one haunted house attraction at the park, "Temple Forest". It is listed as one of their main attraction. There were mixed feelings among the four of us, some of us were scared whereas some of us aren't. There was one thing for sure, we had a great heart pumping adrenaline time walking through the haunted house.

4/5  Dark lighting *check*, Scary atmosphere *check*, Scare actors *check*, great buddies *check*. All the conditions for a great tour of the haunted house. There was nobody in the queue to make it even more suspicious. We expected the haunted house to be really kiddish but HELL NO! It was not at all kiddish. Much effort was used in the props inside the haunted house, with a shock at the end. You find Satan with real fire around him!!

Notable Attractions

Giant Freesby

This attraction is one of the highlight attraction. It is one huge ferris wheel that spins and swings vertically. It seems like an improved version of the well known pirate ship, but it gives a 360 degrees view of the whole park and the sky. It starts swinging low at first, but when the pendulum swing to the max, it becomes rather high. If you are at the bottom of the wheel at its maximum, it is practically like a free fall.

The wheel at its maximum 
This is thrilling!!
5/5 Never judge a book by its cover. Initially I was alittle apprehensive for the ride. It seems so harmless, but man I was wrong. The height that the wheel goes increases every pendulum swing, and the wheel turning gives a different perspective throughout the ride. When the pendulum swings to the top and you are at the end of the wheel facing the floor, your heart practically jumps out, akin to a roller coaster going down the track. The excitement and adrenaline lasts for many cycles too. This star definitely shines bright.

Bumper cars

The bumper cars that are in the theme park is different from other bumper cars elsewhere. For Chimelong, they do not have a wire that connects to the roof, but still gives the same thrills. But alike to bumper cars, there are still the traditional sparks that fly out from the bottom of the car. One round was just too short when we are having much fun.

Cant drive a merz, can drive a bumper car
F1 driver wannabe
4/5 The bumper cars were a sold out. Old fashioned theme park rides never cease to entertain

Shoot the chute (Flume Ride) (WET)

Shoot the chute is a pretty simple ride, its just a simple slide, but with lots of water. The car goes up a ramp, then down the ramp into a huge splash.


But first, let us take a selfie!
3/5 Aesthetics wise, the splash really looks great, but thrill wise it is just like a normal slide, but with water.

Pirate Raft (WET)

The raft seems like the typical average boat cruise in theme parks. Well for a start it is great for families. Chances are you might find this ride a break from all the other thrilling rides. The choppy water makes a great fun and bonding activity for families, but not so much for thrill seekers like us.

Shiver me timbers
3/5  Great for families, but doesnt give thrill seekers like us a run for our money. 

Sky Drop

This ride shoots you up to the top, then drops you. A common theme park staple.

Up up here we go
When we drop
2/5  Might seem thrilling to some, but after conquering the dive coaster, what is this again? 


The North American Lumberjack Show

This show is about a group of Americans competing with each other. Maybe to win the best "Lumberjack" title? They saw wood, fight with each other and do silly things all for the entertainment of audiences.
Lumberjacks action

Green Lantern

This 4D ride is really immersive and shows the story about the rise of the Green Lantern. It also shows how green lantern fights a giant creature with head and tentacles which proves to be really entertaining. The show is purely in Chinese, hence the english speaking ones might find a problem understanding the story. 
4D Magic with Green Lantern

Alien Attack

Chimelong Paradise's latest and newest ride. This 4D ride is designed by a top team from Hollywood. It has a 360 degrees screen with a circumference of 100m. You get on board a tram which is stationary, with screens to your front, back, left and right. The tram does not move but it seems like the tram transports you to a different world of robots and aliens. A totally new and interesting ride.
The Latest Ride!!


The show has its own set piece. In the start, we were very puzzled by what the actors were doing as there is little narration, but the stunts that they perform are really breathtaking. There is also pyrotechnics and fire. After a while, we understood the background story. Lots of action and stunts. Definitely entertaining.

Magic Theatre

Just before the park closes, we decided to catch one last show, the Magic show. The magic that he performs were really normal but it still impresses us. Great place to go if you have played all the rides and looking for some entertainment.
Hocus Pokus
In all, the cost price of the park of 200 Yuan( $40) was really worth it for us.

Chinese MacDonalds'

Shoestrings Travel Tips

  • There are water rides that require you to purchase a raincoat, but we got the raincoat for free by going to the exit section of the “Shoot the chute” ride and take a used raincoat.
  • Lockers are available for 20Yuan (one use), if you open it twice, it will be 40 Yuan
  • No food & drinks are allowed into the theme park. Have a heavy breakfast.

After the Chimelong paradise park, we went to the Macdonalds for our dinner and had an early night in the hotel.

Shoestring Travelers Budget List (RMB)

Petty cash 290914 (CLOSED)
31.50 Bal b/d
400 Cash
(20) locker
(32) coke
(24) water
(16) taxi
(39) tidbits
300.50 bal c/d (CLOSED) -----
* take note that above costs are based on 4 pax

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